BDEF1ELD DAlLf AUG. 16 PAGE 2 KEEP IT IN MIND. A.Bankbook if protects what yon taws, want to SJTB more all others, it it makea yon Sickness ma; oomrte any family, it may be to the one that euros money, so the best war to a tenk account, yon can do it us more than one way, and with very little money, the prerent it the tnat time to talk it ever. The bait men ID this oommnnity, or nott of them, pay btlla by check, ttbdpi in bnslnm it helps to gave money and it is the np to date way Come now pat off mm and start so account, if may spend money that might be saved, Yonr money Is pei- fevtly gate here, and yon can get it at any time, bnt it la eaelet to add to it and me than when in yonr pocket, if deposited in onr savings department it grows at the rate of three per cent per aooam. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF GRAHAM, VIRGINIA.
MEANDERINGS OF THE MYSTERIOUS RAILWAY WUi Have Branches ning in Every Direction. CUT N9 7584. We also have In stock a few BLUE FLAME OIL COOKS that we will sell at cost to move stock at once. Call and see us. We only have a few of our large stock of Hammocks left.
TI move them at once we will sell them at 20 per cent reduction. Call at once if you want a bargain. Perhapa no road in the United Jtatesbas eliMtel sa much comnoot or been the subject of more speculation SB to its ownership and its destlna- ion, than the Deepwater railroad cf state, which has been built from month of lower Loup Creek, in Fayette through that county's rich coal fields, into and through Baltigh county's rich mineral section and thence into tbe rlchost coal conn- of all, Wyoming, and ie building in Mercer. "A pecnllar fact that two corps of engineers have run surveys from Its present construction terminus in through the rich W. H.
HARRY COMPANY Princeton Avenue Bluefield, West Virginia The Dunsmore Business College STAUNTON, VA. Do you wish to better your present condition in life 1 Do you wish to learn something that will bring you a salary of 50 to $75 per month to begin with. Do you wish to learn to keep books, make pay rolls and make yourself generally useful in mine or lumber office? Do yon wish to attend one of the oldest and best business colleges in the country at the least expense? If so, write the Dunsmore Business College without delay. coal Bella of Logan and Lino In coonliea to Hnrtiogton, and from there np Sjmmea ctaek and on to Cclnmbns, Ohii, and tbe great lakes. The Hnttlugton Dispatch says a branch of It will be boilt down tbe Gayan liver, paralltlllsg tbe Chesapeake and Ohio, bridge the Ohio at Hantington go to the great lakea.
Tbe Qonlds have nothing to do with tbe Deepwater. It IB not a part of tte Wabaah ejsteni. It belongs to Standard Oil, and owns tbe right of way and sitse short lines in the northern part of the state, where it parallels the Virginia system, and the iight of way sonth of tbe Kanawha river wheie it parallels the Chesapeake and Ohio, and that a brancb will go on ti tidewater Virginia, a branch to tbe lakes andanother branch will go on through the great coal fields of eastern KflEtac'iy, are now fixed facts. Only One Cent 49-WaatB, for sale. loit.
found and advertisem*nts of a like character wlllbe Insetted In this colomn tor ONE CENT a word, each Insertion. OABH IN AUV.VNOE will Je reaolrod. The price of any 'ad 'can easily be ascertained by all advertisers, signatures will be counted part of advertisem*nt. OST-- Phi Kappl Pslgma Pin letters; E.W. p.
Ruby and pearl sets. Eeturn to office. Reward. ANTED--An agent to sell our goods In Fluefleld and i Icinlty. Premiums given to patrons.
A good opportunity (irpnd Union Tea Main street. Wheeling Vtt. POR REST--Three large rooms, hot and cold water. Bath and all conveniences Best neighborhood. Apply to S.
Aaron, Olty. 8-15-51 FOUNDED SEPT, CHARTERED JULY 1901 BLUEFIELD'S DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL of Stenography, Bookkeeping, Off ice Training Etc. continuous school for Ladies and Gentlemen. A school jf studv and individual instructions. Students may enter at any time and begin work.
Positions always for those wepared. Blueiield Normal and Business Institute W. H. CUNNINGHAM, Principal Irockett Graham Block. BLUEFIELD, W.
VA city, RENT-StOre room In central part of city Apply to M. B. Post let hwalte, tJElNO ABOUT TO CHANGE ray place of residence lor business reasons, my property, 515 Raleigh street, his been placed In the toads of Mr. B. Baldwin for sale.
Any parties interested will be able to zet full particulars from him. V. Wadlelgh. S-W WANTBD-Scrlp clerk WHO understands stenography and typewriting. Apply to Orozier Ooal and Ooke Company, Klk- horn.
W. Va. BAR!" lELEBKAPBi and railroad ac- JJ counting. 150 to a month assured our under bond. Our six schools the ifKcst In America and endorsed by all Write for catalogue.
Morse School of Telegraphy, Cincinnati, Ohio. Buf- N. Atlanta, Oa. La Orosse, Jx'irkuna, Tex, San Francisco. Olll, b-2-4m FLAT-TOP DISTRICT IS THE MOST IMPORTA iLANK reieww deedt tor sale at this oJ- floo co*ke Production In State of West Virginia During the Year.
tbe Just Received a Car Load Bed Room Suits Prices From $18 TO $125 Lytle-Phelps Furniture Co. Swan's Old Stand fflXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXjl OOR Bill OF FARE all thej Delicacies Hotel American and European Plan Ernest Artera Opp Passenger Depot Bluefield, W.Va of the season. You can be served at any hour Yesterday the Dally Telegraph gave tbe annual leport of production In the United States. In the report jnet made public tbe following Is aid of the ooke indnstry InWest Vlrioia: Bscanee of a decieaa3 iu production 424,373 sboit iu 1804, as corn- area with 1903, West Virginia once ore falls behind Alabama, and for ie tentn time ic twenty jeara occn- fiird place In rank among the oke-prodoriag states. Piice 1885 Ubnma and West Virginia have e'n close rivals for second icb having bell It times, and isg tte liat fonr a a havo alt-rated each jeir.
The ooke prodnctlon of Wett Virinia ia 1904 wss tbo In five ears, nmonntin? to abort ns, valned tt 757 850. Compared ith tbe record year of 1903, when lie prodtution amounted to 8707,818 hoit tens, vslnid at 115 843, hows a decrease cf 424 short tons, 15.69 per osot in quantity, and uf 8 357 992 or 47 ptr nt In vnlne. Tbe camber of (Biablishments ic- from 136 in 1903 to 137 In 904, a gain of 1. Tbe nnmber ot lonipletecl ovens increased from 15,613 IU 929. a gain of 1 H16, and theie were 1 819 oveus building at tbe claae of 1904.
Thern weie 82 esUbl SQ- mante, having a t( Ul of 1,789 ovtns, idle dnring 1904. Of tbtpe, 21 tlscts, with 1,008 ovens, were in the npper Monongahela district; 8. baring 4SU ovens, were In the New River district: 2, having 178 ovens, were in the Flat Top district, ard 1, of 110 ovene, waa in the Kanawha district. It ban been ry In tbe preceding repoiti of this stries to consider the co*ke production by districts, into wbifQ ti state has been divided. These districts aie known, respective ly, as the Dppsr Mouougahtla, thi or Day.
FIRST, CUSS BAR ATTACHED QRDSF. BOOKS lor at this office. TJo admittance." "Land Posted tor sale at this offloe. 1 Cards Dpper Potomao. tha the Sew Hlver, and the Top.
The fint two in patt of the stele, and are' named from fstt that they fire drained by the Wat cf the Monocguheia and Poto- oiao rivers. The othbi three dptrltfr are in the gontheru ptrtio5 of the The ftlver district IE- ulndes the ovens chng tbe line of, tbe and Ohio flailruad and Its brunches from Qninnimont on the east to fliwfe's West, near which poict the coals cf tie Eew fiiver eiies go beiow wattr levsl The Kanawha district erabracea all of the ovens along tbe Kanawha rlvsr and ti tnlatari-8 frunj Monot Carb)n to the vjesletn limit of Iba al fields Tbe OVFDS rf the ilmntdi osi Ccmpanr, at AnstBd, ars in- inded io tbe New River district, allhongh tne Anftad ooal belongs to ihs Kan aw ha siriss. and i abant 1 000 above Now Bi er uoals Fl-t Top rcgi sl-o drained by tba oppcr portion rf New River, and Inclnciei thu ovete io Virginia a to tte P.cathontSB ooal field. The Flat Top by far the most important, and tbe i i to lie ptoi5u(tiD in Wett i i i tbe Come'il'villa d'Sttict bar-, t-at rf Pennsylvania. Since IBOO the ststis tius of prrdoition of tbe Flat Top 6is tr'ct have inilndert tae tiots along tbe Tnsr river, lying west of and eontignnce i tbs Flat Top dis trict The oatpqt from tiii? district eyerages soaiethfog over 00 per cent of the ooka product tbe state although Its rrjpottion In 1902 sno 1908 wan somewhat I I than this fignre.
Soffle new ovens oonetrncted ifl Tygnrts Vslle? ia 3902 have baen added t) the 0ppsr Potomac district. The prodnotlon of co*ko ia 1901 Increased In one ci ttlet tre Flat Top and this increase was due, not ti any greater activity in the Flat Top district propsr, but to the pro dactlon by the Ucited States Ooal and co*ke Copmany In tte Tag River region, whrss ovens and ontpat have been added to the Flat Top district. WAIT TO TREAT HAY FEVER No Stomach Dosing, Jus BreatheHy. omel -Stops Sneez'ng and Smarting. White's Pharmacy are recommend iQg to tbeir onstomtra as a care fo hay feter, Hycmei.
It is claimed for Ibis renudy tba it stops the ep siacdio parrxysus th sne zing, tne sciaitirg snd running tbe eyes and ms-j, a nil ct er aoat symptoms of this diseasa. ny persons have bsec cored hiy fsver by Hyomti, 'and the die overer of the laisedy pufsisei to jble to pievant bcih tbe occurrence 01 the annnnl aftfitir and it stop tbe pro grees of tte ilissase even in the mis thtouia i Pharmac ff'r to lefnnd t' trouey if does not do all taat is claimed f-r 18 toe procf that can be ss tne confidence they a in Hyomei's pnwer to care ho? lever. Tne onlfit costs hot $1 00, fitra bottles 50 cents. THE W. P.
HAWLEY MDSE. Co. Headquarters for Dry Goods, Groceries, Country Produce PHONE 38. SOUTH BLAND ST. Ninety Days for Stealing Newspaper Ri.hmoad N6wa Leader- "If is anjtoing calcalnfed to aiake man loaa his it's to go out t' hit front pt icb for Us newapapur and Bod tbit louje one has stolen it, tbe collie jattijs eaid this morning when eame bdfore him.
Jsinsa Taylor, of Nc. 11 Ea-t Miin ttraet, had taken Jamea red-aancled aud turned hi in over to the police. While James wss gathtrlng np a 8npply tf papers early morning he r-aobed oot for Mr. Taylor's. Wken he looked np tte-mozzle ot a revolver in the hands of Mr.
Tayor wac aRainat his black face. Bnt Jamea took a long chance and niane a daah lor liberty. Mr. Taylor par- ausi and captured him. The jaatice gave James ninety days ID jail for petty LETTERS THAT LINGER LONGER THAN LAWFUL BRANCH; EUOHS Office in connection with O'LeaiyiReal Estate Offices No.
6 Higgiabotham Avenue. Scan the List Carefully, There May Be One For You Following IB a list of letters remaining nnnalled for In the BlueficlJ postoffloe for the week ending Aug. 13. James Andrews, Robstt Atwsll, Htnty Anderson, Barger, 3 Bsrlnw, 3 Blaney, Hsrvey Bailey, 3 Sidney Bje-s Dr Ohaa Brown, Tom Cnddy, Gecrge Coles, duster, Carpenfier, 8 0 Carter, Dan Crate, Vlmcearo CasBvenbia, Doyle, Emerson, 0 Ejgleton, Fnrgereon, Will Fitzgerald. Farley, Robert Flowers, Walter Qtlgge, Qny, Graen, George Gllliims, Robert Qrimee.
Hntcherson, Jrcsle Howard, Sam Houston, Philip Hnn- tai, Joe Hsndtraon, JaneB Hnmphrey, James, Sydrey Joces, Jones, Llevy Jones, Charlie JtS-MMi, KHley, Wilwn Lester, Liilard, Jim Lawaon, Samuel Llkoly, 8 MtCarmlck, Meyers, Charlie McReynoIda, A Michelow, Rev Bonnie Matehell, Thomas Nebber, Aody Nell, Ed Overetoet, Willam Peon- ington, Patterson, Wesley Price, Philmore Puescnll, Pesry, Sam Klcb, John fiiley, J-e fiosenbaam, A Stiver, George Stnrns, Sowers, Geo Winton Stewart Jack Shsrler, John Stuart, David Schsplro, Thomas Smith, George Tarner, King Tomer, Kiobard Toler, Henry Fialns, Alexander Henderson, Chas Ubde, James Vsnghn, Wairen Wimmer, Walker.J Wright, Bean Waldron, Henry Wella.Arttmr Winkley, Wiseley, William A Zinmer tnn. ladles list--Mts Cbailss Atwell, Florence Bronson, Mra Jeseia Erby Bnrch, Cora Bailey, Zella Bird, Wlwte Brace, Mra Rtsiie Chandlar, Nellie Chrlsman, Pnlton, Mamie Gay, Mary Gny, Mrs Hudson, Let'ie Higginfcotbam, Msiy Howe, Mary Howard, Laura Hsiiie, Ada uyltoD, Mrs Jefferson, Mis Allie Nspper Johnson, Jennie King. Mrs King, Je ale Love, Mra Mesd dows Maggie Nichols, toney Perdue Lona Perdns. Mrs Jas Ptck, Sirs John Payne, Ella Paris, Bessis Ptst- tets, Mra Mattis Price. Mrs Lizzie Robinson, Annie Richardson, Mary Staples, Sallis Swecber, Mra hom*or Scoct, Mrs IS Smith, Mre Nora Tnomac, Mra Tina Tanner.
Mrs Alice Hlley, Mands WiJliaois, Wade, Mra Whitler. Try a Telegraph want ad. RICHMOND AND NORFOLK EX CTJR3ION. Oa September 6th the Norfolk and Western railway will operate a low rate excursion tu Riobmond and Norfolk. opportunity to visit the Capitol or the City by the Sea, Virginia Beaeb, Pine Beech, Ocean View, or any of the nearby rssorts.
The special train will pass Blae 6eld 8:30 a. m. and tbe round trip rate to Richmond is $4.50 and Norfolk $5 00. Returning the special train wil leave Norfolk 8:00 m. and Rich- mood 11:00 m.
Friday, September 8ch. Yon have the option of two days In either city. Call on yonr nearest Norfolk and Wettsin Railway agent or. M. F.
Brsgg, Traveling Passenger Agent Roanoke, Va. W. B. BEVILL, General Pasarager Agent, Soanoke, Va Subscribe for the Telegraph. A TOUCHING STORY la'the saving from death of the baby girl of Geo.
A. Eyler, rnmbsrland Md. He writes: "At the age of morths, our little girl was in declln ing health, with serions throat tronWe, and two physicians gave her up. We were almost In despair when we waived to try Dr. Ifirjg's New Discovery for consumption, coaghe and colde.
The first bottle gave relief; sftsr taking foar bottles wns cared, and in perfect healtb." Never ffiila to relieve and COM a oongh or cold. At all drag 50o. and $1.00 gnatanteed. Trial bot free. Blind Headache "About a year ago," writes Mrs.
Mattie Allen, of 1123 Broadway, Augusta, "I suffered with blind, sick headaches and backaches, and could get no relief until I tried WINE OF Woman's Relief I immediately commenced to improve, and now I feel like a new woman, and wish to recommend it to all sick women, for I know it will cure them, as it did me." Cardui is pure, medicinal extract of vegetable herbs, which relieves emale pains, regulates female up theorgans to a proper state of health. WHITE US FREELY ana frankly, desalting your symptoms. We will consider your cass and give jou fres advice (In plain sealed eme'ope). Don't hesitate, but ivri'e today. Address: Ladies' The Chattanoogatit- Chattanooga, Tsnn.
Try It for your trouble. Every druggist sells It In $1.00 bottles. Truths that Strike Home Your grocer IB honest and--if he cares to do so--can tell yon that he knows little about the bulk coffee he sells you. How can ha know, where it originally came from, how it was blended--or With What --or when roasted! If you buy your coffee loose by pound, how can you expect purity sad uniform quality OON COFFEE, the LEADER OF All PACKAGE COFFEES. Is of necessity uniform Is Quality, strength and flavor.
For OVEE A IQCARTEB A rammr, LION COFFEE Ibas been tbe standard coffee In of nomes. LION COFFEE to cwetally at onr tactarlw, and until opened In your home, bos no chanee ol being teratcd. or comlno in contact with dmt, dlrt ini-Hma hands. In each package of LION COMEE you get full pound of Coffse. Insist upon getting the genuine.
(lion head on every package.) th for vtlnabb puroiuinB.) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WJOIBOK SHOE Toledo, Ohto. OLDHENRYPURERYESTANDSTO DAY WJTHOUTAN EQUAL Insist ongeftiiuj OLD HENRY PURE RYE" Ifyour dealer carif supply jou noHfy us. we will see (hatyou are GUNST RICHMOND. VA. TEETHMO EASfc Or vaU oats to J.
MGFFZTT, M. Ek, ST. LOUIS. Motheri Hesitate no hut save the health and lite of your child as thousands have done, by giving these powders, TEETHINA IS easily a.nS oounteraots anal over- comestheeffaetaoftlisummer'stioatufrantoothlngGlilldrvn- i A.