Bluefield Daily Telegraph from Bluefield, West Virginia (2024)

BLUEFiELD DAIL71TELEGRAPH, AOG- 20. PASB 6. Opportunities For the Parasols do not chaage radically In fashion from one seawm to another. There'h clmace to get Htneral weeks use of a pretty parasol and put It lor next summer when It ill bo as good us new. The wise woman takes time by the forelock.acd save money.

Bargains in PARASOLS BUwkoad white plnldJS reduc- 5 Pongee and colored silks J2 60, re- 41 40 Pongee solid brown border ion. le- Oft duced to yv Navy biutj tafTcls handsome grape slightly Injured 760 reduced to J3 25 Handnomo Quality ellk various tucked and hemstitched border 600. re- "2 t'ft duoed to O.VU Handsome pongee with Persian 3 OA border 00 reduced to VU Cheaper grades at big redactions. Bargains in UMBRELLAS Fashion decrees that colored umbrellas are to be de rlgenr tbls winter, She calls them on-tout-caa--lor sunshlns and lor rainy weather. Bed silk, handsome border, silk case 3.00.

winced to Black plaid border, silk case 2 OS 800, rednoedto 325-327 PRBCETOH Green illk, fancy dot, silt -case -JC 3 00, reduced to Purple silk, Ogured. silk case 9 3.00. reduced to Bargains Dresses and BLUEFIELD, WEST YL Handsome tailored white Ohlna silk 7 suit 18,60. reduced to Two fine quality wblte billllautlne kilted skirts 7SD, reduced A CA Graham BMM MMK Items from Our Sister City Gathered by Reporters for the L'aily Telegraph, jt jt The Baptists hers are making preparation to erect a handsome church edifice on a site which has been given the congregation by Mrs. M.

Link- ODS, of Graham, who IB hers If a member of the Baptist chnrch. The lot la located on Tazawell avenue and 19 an i3eal situation for the bonce of worship The HFW chn-ch will be a very handsome structure and will cost several thco85cd dollars. The local employees of the Norfolk aud Western attended ibe entertainment at tbe opera honse Friday night in bonor of tbe retiring officials, A tick part in tbe exercises. Mr. and Mrs.

J. Baylor returned yesterday from Hunters Alnm, where they have been sojonrnisg fcr the paet tbiee weeks. Robt. Anderson, one of Graham's jnvenile ball plajers, and who played his first game with the Bist team bere Thursday, when Tazewell was defeat id by tbe Graham team, won Inrels for bimsell by gttting two two base bits and a clean single to his credit. Manager Ciccfcett immediat ly began negotiations with tbe youngster whereby bis seivices were secured for the Ip.lauce of the Anderson also made a sensational catch in left which helped to pat him in "fast Mrs.

C. Barton, mueic teacher in Qranam College, sent to Ballay's yesterday In the icteieet of that scbocl. Try a Telegraph want ad. Northfork News L. C.

Felta, of BlneSold, was ID town yesterday. Dr. L. H. Clarke and family will I leave today Feterstown, where tbey will vnlt friends for several da; s.

Willie Me ems, colored, was inn over by a train nlgbt before last near Kyle and had both legs cnt off. He was takes to the Miners Hospital at Welch for treatment. Neely Jeckson, colored, was ran over and killed by the mine loco at Elk Ridge Saturday morning, and his remains were taken to Famplin City, for treatment Waller Perkins, of tte Georgia Lumber cf Blnefiald, was business visitor to out town on Saturday. Gallagher has ratoraed borne aftfr a stay of sevcnl weeks vlciting friends and relatives in Pennsylvania. J.

P. Keating, manager of tbe Eckman Bottling Works, was a business visitor to onr town Saturday. H. Thomas and Master W. E.

Pritchard, of Wllkesbane, tbe gnests ot Mayor Toney at Hot 1 Nortbfolk Saturday evening. Ex SbeiiS T. Sprlnk WES in town on business Saturday. G. Dny, formerly of Blosfl.

was in town SatnHay edvettiaing tbe Tazswell Fair. Mr. Dny WEB with he Binefleld Inn far a nnmber of years, but will take charge of the ictel at Tazewell on the 1st of Sep- ember L. Schocbet. bookkeeper for L.

iunffman, went to Wilcie on business yesterday. "Dad" Baker, the veteran Inmbsr salesman, went to Panther Saturday on faaaioeEF. Dead Man's Identity May Never be Known The remains of the nnfortnra' man who was efnck by a tr in at EC nie several days ago and literally on to pieces mra interred jesterdsy Esh*ts made to identify the dead man were futila His features so obliterated thst It wes i upossible 1 de'cribe Ma njpearanoe cf er than woie a Bait of Tbe ma 3 ev dently a stranger In the cos Sell and it may be bis identity wi never be known. Tbe pills tbat aot as a tonic, an cot as a craatlc pnrgu, are DeWitt Little Early Risers. They cite head aahe conetitwtton, bilionsntss dice, etc Ea'ly Hirers are an easy to iks and easy to act.

Sold -11 firnggi 4 Special for this week. A big stock of the latest books Jngithe things to make these hot days thls'llst tmd 700 will tee that we are right: The Divine Fire, Sinclair Price, The Rose of the World Castle Stmgaree Honiung A Courier of Fortune Marchtvant The Dryad McCatlhy Tbe Princess Passes Williamson Following the Sun Flog Fox The Garden of Allah Hickeiis The Lion's Skin Wise Sandy Rice MANY OTHERS 25 25 25 25 25 25 1 25 1 25 i 25 75 Bluefield Book Stationery Co.jj|j. Phonel73 ElksjBuiiding Knox HATS Our fall line is now complete and we invite your inspection. PERSONALS AND BRIEFS, GOING TO SCHOOL St. Clair atnatt, of Vivisn, Is ID le city.

J. B. Henry, of Tazewell, was in IB oily yesterday. Thomas DeWitt has gone to Had- ord to frlenda. N.

Husband left laet evening for ittebarg en a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. M. B.

Entsler have one to Caetiewood to spend Sunday ith friends. Mr. and Mrg. J. Madlgan and lilaran arrived in the city yesterday rom Roanoke.

Miss Perkins will resume her danc- eg class oa Tuesday nlgbt at the old lat Top balldlng at 8 o'clock sharp. H. Costard left laet evening for is tone at Waynesboro, where will visit hi; parents foi two eeke. A. 3.

Bornharn, of Lynchbnrg, has rrlved In tbe city to join Mrs. Bnrn- am, who is the gcest of her sister, are. H. I. Shott.

Rev. P. C. Clark will pieaoh at Tszawell today, and in bii absence be pulpit at the Presbyterian Chnrch will te filled by Rev. O.

Hall, of Mrs Jennie Pattaraon, cf Lamberts Point, who has been visiting re- stives in the city for federal weeks, eft yeetarday for a vleit with friends at Chrlstiacsbmg. There will be the nsnal In the Baptist Church today. The pas- ter, Hev. 8.H. Tbpmps3n, has retnrn- ed from hid trip to Europe and will ill the pnlpit.

Mr. Thompson reports an eajoyable trip. Mr. and Mrs. A.

Q. Baldwin, of the firm cf Baldwin and Baldwin, have returned frjm an extended trip In Kentucky, vialtlng relat'ves and friends. Their nisce, Miss Flora Baldwin, aecosEpa'ned them to Blae- field, and will remain ia the city for surne time. WE. a.

Gather, of Po'tivilK ii In the city. Mr. Gather was fcr many years resident of Binefleld. Ha came here before the town had a popnlamn ri 500 end was one of the mist pnblij Eph.tad and leading c'tizsns i i bis removal to Penaeyl- vaoia B-versl yean ago. Are you going to send your boy or girl off to SCHOOL this fall? Then you will need something in the way of a Trunk, Suit Cases or bags.

We sell the well known Rountree Roller Tray Trunk as well as other styles. The very best of bags and suit cases, Drop in and talk it over. SHELTON JORDAN Bluefield Mercantile Co The Always Busy Store Ladies' Skirt Sale Have you bought one those great values in SKIRTS yet. They are certainly great valves. II A great bargain in REMNANTS of white goods; thiii dress goods.

Ladies' low SHOES that was 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, all to go for 98c this season goods. BLUEFIELD MEBGANTILE COMPANY Comer Princeton Avenue and Mercer Street Hev. W. G. Walters rfctsroed yes- tirdity from a vijit to Virginia snd will occupy the pnlpit attbe Christian Cborjh at tbe nsnal hours today.

Morning subject: "Inspiration and tbe Holy Spirit," tbe first of a esii on "The H-ly Spirit." Subject for evening "A Gracioos Invitation," tbe third sarmon in Keiies from Isaiah. A cordiil invitation is extended to the pnblic to attend these BLUEFIELD, We Want to Add Clothing vs. Clothes Clothing is made up by the manufacturers in large lots to fit no one in particular. man. Clothes are made after being sold to some one particular The tailor and his customer get together and design a plan on which to build the clothes.

The result is a perfect fitting suit made especially for that customer. See the point Fall clothes coming in rapidly. Yours for better service and less money. D. Schnurman, ARTIST TAILOR Phone 97 BLUEFIELD, W.

VA, Best Game Ever Seen in This Section The game cf ball played at Graham yesterday afternoon between tbe home tsatn and tbe Qary nine proved to be very Intweitlng and drev? the largest crowd that ever witnessed a ball game on tbe Graham diamond The game lesalted in a victory for the home team by a score of 4 to 2. Hysel and Witten.for Graham, and Severs Green and Sm-th. for Gary, were the battsr- ies TJud game was a pitcher's bsttle throughout Hysel pitched a shot out gsroe. An niror In the 9th inning gava Gary two IUDB The Gribam boys weie aogmeated with severs! of Kejstone's cract players and are very jubilant over their victory. Anderson's work at shoit for Graham wia a feature of tbe game.

He sleo hit the bail for two sacks with two men on bases, sooting both. P. J. Kelly nmpired the game, and the fsct tbat Ms decisions were not questioned attested his absolute fairness. Housekeepers are fast finding cnt thst Bine Bibbon lemon and vanilla ez-rarts are the best ever made Ask yonr grocer for Bine Ribbon Ismon and vanilla.

Takes less. Flavors perfectly. Champion Shot Will be Here Fred Gilbert, champion clay pigeon shot of tbe world, will be one of the features of the big shoot of tbe Bine- field Gun Clnb Tuesday. Mr. Gilbert will give an exhibition ihoot which will no donbt act as 8 fine attraction to both sportsmen and visitors who care to witness exceptionally fine marksmanship.

It is Ihrongh tbe efforts of Mr Waddell, of Hnntlngton, district agent for tha DaPont Powder Company, that Mr. Gilbert will te In the city and participate at tbe shoot. to oar corstaatly growing st of pattens. It is cot nectssiry that yon onld be a resident of Blnefield; 8 mall or 'phone order will receive prompt attention, and we will goar- antes the prices to te right. As for the goods--It Is tbe newest, clsams stcck in tiwn.

Oar local bna ness is increasing right along; bnt we, also, want to build op a nice l.ttle "oat of town" trade It will help us-- and we'll try to pleas? you--if yon will wits or 'phone as the next time yon nesd anything ID car line. Tbe next time yon are In oat city, stop in at andWMte" front 19 Bland Street. "Yon can't misa the place; yon'll miss it if yon do." FOLLANSBEE Phone No. 56 THE DRUGGIST Eland Street IFOIR IPTJIRITY flount Vernoti Pure Rye BOTTLED AT DISTILLERY Lazarus BLUEFIELD; w. VA.

WRITE FOR PRICE LIST PHONE 42. Try a Telegraph Want Ad. ART." We Are Now Receiving Our Fall Line QP I which is in every detail. Call and examine our line before buying elsewhere. New line of Fourinhand Wash Ties Just Received.

Straw Hats Half Price ThorntonClothingCo Sowtljhtet! 1803. Bluefield THE STAR SIGN THE CASH AND CASH PRICE STORE, KWSPAPERl MEWSPAPKJRl.

Bluefield Daily Telegraph from Bluefield, West Virginia (2024)


Where is the Bluefield Daily Telegraph? ›

928 Bluefield Avenue, Bluefield, West Virginia

What is Bluefield known for? ›

Bluefield is known as “Nature's Air Conditioned City” where summers are normally very pleasant; seasonal temperatures and low humidity. The rugged terrain offers spectacular changes of season with vibrant spring colors and warm magnificent fall foliage.

What is the elevation of Bluefield West Virginia? ›

Nestled at the foot of the 3,400-foot East River Mountain, Bluefield is the most elevated town in West Virginia, at 2,655 feet above sea level. The town is sometimes called "Summit City", because of its high altitude, and "Nature's Air-Conditioned City" for its pleasant summer temperatures.

What's it like to live in Bluefield, West Virginia? ›

Bluefield is a town in West Virginia with a population of 9,619. Bluefield is in Mercer County. Living in Bluefield offers residents a sparse suburban feel and most residents own their homes. Many young professionals and retirees live in Bluefield and residents tend to lean conservative.

Where is The Telegraph located? ›

London, England

How do I get The Daily Telegraph? ›

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What town in WV has the highest elevation? ›

Davis, West Virginia is a small municipality located in the mountainous heart of Tucker County. At 3,520 feet elevation, Davis is the highest incorporated town in the state.

What is the race population in Bluefield, West Virginia? ›

About. The 5 largest ethnic groups in Bluefield, VA are White (Non-Hispanic) (86%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (8.48%), Black or African American (Hispanic) (3.24%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (1.03%), and Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (0.692%).

What is the hilliest part of West Virginia? ›

At 4,863 feet above sea level, Spruce Knob is West Virginia's highest peak. This area offers backpacking and day hiking opportunities for the visitors looking to get a splendid view of the gorgeous natural scenery surrounding the area.

What is the safest area to live in West Virginia? ›

Here are the 5 Safest Cities in West Virginia for 2024
  • Grafton.
  • Weirton.
  • Buckhannon.
  • Charles Town.
  • Bridgeport.

What is the nicest place to live in West Virginia? ›

Bridgeport in Harrison County has been named the best place to live in West Virginia. It has A rankings in housing, good for families and jobs. It also has several A- in public schools and health & fitness. The lowest categories in Bridgeport are B- in crime & safety, nightlife, weather and commute.

Where is the best place to live in West Virginia for retirees? ›

Morgantown and Wheeling are popular cities for retirement in West Virginia. West Virginia's pros include a low crime rate, natural beauty, and a cultural scene. The state has cons, such as cold winters and limited rural healthcare options.

Where is The Telegraph Journal located? ›

Front page of the Telegraph Journal
Headquarters380 Bayside Drive Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 2X7
Circulation233,549 Weekly
Readership~100,000 Daily
6 more rows

Is The Telegraph still around? ›

Although the telegraph was replaced by fully digital communication in the 1970s and 1980s, the technology pioneered by its use can still be seen today.

Where is the Sunday Telegraph distributed? ›

The Sunday Telegraph is an Australian tabloid newspaper, the separately published Sunday edition of The Daily Telegraph. It is available throughout Sydney, across most of regional and remote New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory and South East Queensland.

How do I access The Telegraph? ›

Open the Digital Edition app. You'll see your chosen Edition on your screen. Enter the email address and password that is registered to your account. Alternatively, log in with your TS number and postcode.


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.