The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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The Lexington Heraldi

Lexington, Kentucky

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I USED TRUCKS HOUSES FOR SALE This Funny World HOUSES FOR SALE 12 The Lexington Herald Saturday Frbnmy 1 IBS ouNioaiiM a 4 iw hurt- top an (sew equipHten lift i pm(M fsstlitou I3SS i sffir 4-4TIT Support The I'JICA-EitroH TODAY SPECIALS TODAY 56 FORD Victoria Radis $4 COO Haatoh Aktomario Tiwniralnien A WWU 54 FORD 2 Daar V-R wl radtak itartw cemra 1100 55 FORD AR nratol omHm ween Radia Haste I wU 51 DODGR 4 Daar ICAA Radia Heater OUU 52 FORD 4 Dwwr $EAA Rndis Heetae OUU a my dtei fflBD Closed Sunday 8 AM to 9 PM 317 Main Main at Dewaata SAVE 9 9 57 CHEV 11 Air 2-Dser 4 oil pewerflide 6m laear S1S9S 57 NASH leakier Station Weea 4000 actwd nitei SAVE 54 PONTIAC Cetilina Stawbiif All newer S2195 54 CHEV 210" oariao 4-Dw S149S 54 FORD leechwnana 4-Drar pnwer rise Ferdwnatic S1S95 55 CHEV V-l 4-Dr S1295 SS FORD foirioaa 4-Dner autnwafie fneraiieeinn 54 CHEV I-Deer lei Air 9895 MANY OTHFRS No Down Payment Cart 10 Geed Can af AH Kind SALESMEN Cert Jake PmE HUNTER PIPES Motor Co 772 Eart Third (Wincheikr lead) Fk 4-0(92 iiiiw hM ha) HOUSES FOR SALE 533 Culpepper Road I kedraera field iwi will etuetad eevport ini Mna Mtrr hilL Iww me final A l4 rxlua Intwl la AriilmA Park nan if Leriniton'e finest tonitoaa aala ar I rad Morris Levy Son me lit tun at mum-uh OPEN FOR INSPECTION 697 SHERIDAN DR BELMONT RUBDIVXSIOII OFT HAIIltODSBURO RD OR CLAYS MILL ROAD Mew bedroom brick one room birch paneled living and dining area ceramic tile bath kitchen with built in feature carport plenty of it or age Price $15950 We will trade Acme Realty Const Co Inc Office HW BUM HW 'M5t GARDENSIDE SPECIAL k'tchsa plus a utility woi wcona Kbi fiaiBhcd At Uttlc expenra -aa COATS REALTOR aMad at ladle Mai -M10 3 kadrooSiiluJjMJja MHOiKif yard larfe hade trees paUai and tarteeu u1 laaa ataU aala Phene l-ail HOME APT Vary attreetlae aMdral-roanu and beta brick tome In read Ca bn-Usn7 Marble tlrepUee Manly taMrttt and eloula Auo I r001-Mdhith iNTtunt with Inratatolnfa limmL gas fUTnaca AngA rtwu deerTeni wWdo- Vrr7 anbatanUany for eynetaunent Bite MJI MELVIN WHEELER Chary Chela Vlllafa Assume Loan and Bay If Mi down Nc I todreera Bcdfert alma flraplaaa Win Irada a -am -ns Builder DUPLEX Ova UUa duplex for tlUM ss aLaaMrartasL PARK AVE Near Woodland Park frame heme pereh ganuto Nlaa MJOa MraMllett 1-4171 KEY REALTY 1T Hlyh hw MM NORTH Menu todranma Belter dtttlnr roam kitchen and dan Pull bill in ra rarer Let Malll Price 11 MO ML WO OX lean May Cell Ovlna HUt TRADE year airTr ham ha on Ihla na ataintoaa stMl double sink Plwtf Mea Nitre MW EXCEL REALTY CO 1 Lena Allas t-MOT NORTH END Neat and elan t-roow lad tatheot-Imp aad Morris Levy Son me it Mm UN 3 WIT NORTH FOUR MINUTES TO IBM Tww-badraaa Badfatd Btaaa bam UrBf mem din la room kitchen Nla bath Lot la OalM Naa OI lean a IIMW at that any be aa- Hoskins Real Estate HI Idbnty Band Nlfhta Mr Prrklaa MW Mr Oadda 4-004 BELOW MARKET VALUE Air aaadUlasad modem twn-bedroem hrlrk with dan Uauaaally altrxrUr name naa at not Sine os wan In (lira averioeklnf awnlBf cerarad potle Baoatlful Undeexpedtewn Wan to wall carpet In south Owntc Ms CAABA tmtj Side parch double irxl Na-la prtra UT Ceehrau Band Shows by oppolnfroont only TA1IOMA NOAD Bear bodrooa brick Larfo doa Thlo ooo mm Pcar-badraoB brick with tally isaa kitchen OAXDmiDI Nnr three hNroom itm Ml EGRASS REAL ESTATE CO Vhene 4-M32 Ployd Moor 1-WM Maty Qullfoyl HBI NT OWNER lW WyiM Parkway Throw bedrooa brick Oaixfa Mack top drlro May awna laaa 4-140 MT VERNON SEIV1 Haw bedroom brick lib bathe Trlar room with flrrploro din la -ooa jaryr kltc omplo ctaat ffiENWILSON Realtor IM Nllca S-UM POE NENT-Ertek bulldlai IMfitr Thla bwlldlar la Ideal far a trseklsa ar itorsc company aa haa two daara hjmaassMhfar may fas to BLUEGRASS REAL ESTATE CO Osllfoyla 1-UH NEAR LAFAYETTE HIGH sruras warn haa full tlla kslh alia fan hath aarrra two athar tadroBBi Tlla kua aunt haa dandy flraplaaa laercaMas aim and oulalda cstruoa Nlaa la HfcOATST' REALTOR a Aohtoad at Euclid DU1 MM Lakewood Drive Itho All alcetrle kltelim Lama faaUy mb with lac buralak flraplara aa raaad Baal Wall financed Owner lya aclL Ixclnjlra Price 30 TOO Radi Katata Dept IECURITY TRUST CO baaa l-MTT Nlht Mia BBlth -1ll GARDENSIDE Nrw threw-bedroom brick Ura Carport BcUlat below Mirk it pries 1UM1l By owner Can d-tfflt $1000 DOWN ywa con pay Id par pualb I help finance Mar proper 1 Interior and exterior fear esth clrculatlar mu ri and wlndowa kltetaa baa at and tlla wall FbncM tot in and ahadc trace In city as arwer Prior i Are Ph S-Mil Mill 039 RAINBOW-RD this toaato 1-bedraaa brlk Baa ckpaadalfla attic aad (anta taarln aUta WILSON Realtor '-was 1466 Townley Drive i DOWN 90000 CHINOS Immediate ooaaea Ion bedroom krlrk I beiha OE kltthrn family room luwud in porch 1-liU 1-1447 CHEVY CHASE TREES! TREES! Hair TERY LAROE PUdeilene Bom Beautifully taadacaped KEN WILSON Realtor Herts Bldg IN Drweae Office l-UM Nltaa MIS FOUR-APARTMENT BUILDING Pour room a bath each PUR hi moat baa ftirnaco Walking dtatanco to town Excellent conditloa 37 yearly tncome $35 IN HENRY TURNER BEAL MTdTB PhKIH 1111 I-431 $800 DOWN PAYMENT Awnme leap an llw room teat Pon-Mrion lnmrdirlly phone 1-lae ITOJX Bt'imWM THrI'c bedreoB ctone Bollywood Slowly decorated Mew tea furnace urmeu and nras II4JM Owner -ll 2-BEDROOM STONE Living Room Dining Room Kit Bath and expandable attic Large back 'yard and Fully Landscaped Near Shopping Center $1050000 (We Have Others) FISTER SEEBERGER HOMES (Nite) 2-1690 4-9147 4-7640 CLOSE IN HOME and excaltant taeoma daair-Abta wall loeatad faur famished Apart-ita and no unfurnished Largo let Writs Baa JUntid- Sna by owner Leader NORTH XXfD-Thita bntha atone ra dining owner Jiuat S-N7I After brick kuchto Private dtp Call itono flreplaco ta room utility it son leaving tt 3 pm 5-44TI MONTCLAIR Three 1 home la city i trlct On bua line Lovely excellent Invests LIIN ZDLEHOX7R Threi bodrooa brick Two bntha aarpart Small down payment Am time lean Sat anytime Sill St Matilda Drift 13 Burnett Am Lorety room atoao full Auraent goroge Will ftanneo to uttpurebneer A real buy at 13100 IwlMTor I-3W Oi By ownor Living room kitchen throe kodrow end den One bath Full beeemenL Inrgo lot Priced 1M iM 3-4177 TWO NEW HOMES North By Builder 1 brdteCB Bedford etane end I bfdineB brick with flntatad nttle Ora Do rie Sans Ftane -41 ar GARDENSIDE flaishlne I beautiful trilenl It batha bedweaia laret room and Ilyin non Game and play non Uadee (MiM Chas Bolton Builder Dlel t-MSI SOUTH tat bedreem brick Large ttvtss a Modtra kltchm BtalrvAF to unfinished attic a car faragA Lam PHA loan cab be biocca from Seuthlasd Ihnppiag Center bua fine Union Land Building Company Inc 14 Upper I-IM1 SUBURBAN FOB SAMI 1 dCKBh reea Bedera haase 1 stall hnrae bam tobacco base fenced Herald -Leader 1U LIKE THE COUNTOY? If you think thet yen would Nkc to non out" be auro to an thia alee brick About mitae tut With 3 bedrooms Uvlngroom family room with ftreplAce dining room kuchen utility room and Id sena ef lend 14 ta priced to celt now At I14IN AU rooms ora targe Shown by Appointment only If you don't like tota you don't want to "move out" MAINOUS ft BOTHER RCALTORR 7-MM 3 ACRES Four bedroom runeh-type brick Sleet rlo kttchm 3 kotho lull bAwmcntb acta tobacra tan cow bam 21001 75 tana Will take imall property aa part payment Stephana 454 Sheridan Dr Ph 7-334 7-474 or Mrs Rice MM DEEPWOOD four bedroom brick Basem*n beautiful ihady lawn Two aeraa more or lose For quick sole Only 34 Stephens 44 Sheridan Drive Phoom MM 7-47U or Mrs Rjeo -14 REAL ESTATE LOANS WILL TBADB equity to hsnun fur heme trailer ptanu 1-330 Prban CW BUSINESS LOCATIONS BBCX3MD floor Trent at Kurke nnd Owreh Ste Appreklwelely tee eq ft Beelty Bwlpic Ceewny Ph MB INVESTMENT PROPERTY end MT Bee third Btraet new occupied ee Baer Tbrarn and duplex Bua paa haul pnp Heed torene for LONG Realtor Ml Breed way MW MMk 4-1M FOR RENT MM eecot nut rt uncnptotelr air uandltlonad APPLY in KAMI BIOX IN WALTON AVINOI I room lama window fnr euplay Bnt month Call 1-ttl wall Main 253 TAYLOR DRIVE aaADovnHftPB BOBumnom thin tome end ken tae fnU fun bathe tott mn with fltuntoen Win PHA we hem ton haw KEN WILSON Realtor Herts BMW tot MM aOUTHVIEW DIIVX l-tadroom krlrk Lame epaelaus raoau raranlc Ilia bath Inq-u Ml door 843 CHERYL LANE Va tm akrtraara ham MMa down and aaaunM li Ol laaa Only BMBihlf paymrata fWhlch bihida raaca and Mxa) Onaar nil! paint mom and llrlna ima KEN WILSON Realtor ta Bldf IM Deweea Olllaa f-Mft Ullaa f-UM 1171 PENSACOLA Drlrc I rtM AA-bMiM ehlrfle Attached land 911-BM I1NA down talanre like rent Xiu-nolat powHlow Strpheni H4 Sheridaa Drive Phoutf T-3N4 T-4T44 or Mn Bie t-IMA 229 IRVINE SmUNO PRICED RIOBT! i the Bad! end ei I beihi Mine room tk fireplace dining mom bmkfaef room pantry back porch' full dry nvnt vith ra fttrneee Tt on targe lot and haa l-car garage Thu hMne la ta ancvUeni condition and ia brine eoM to aattla an aetata KAIKOUS ft BURKE REALTORS M4fl T4M 4-MN NI LONGVIEW Lovely 3 bed-n aabeetae eblnele Oarage Let MellT I beeucirul maenoMa trece In yard 9UTM Stephen Sbriidea Phenee T-MPf T-41M ar Mn lice S-lMt SHRYN V1LLAGB 3 bedrooms den BvlM room dining room OE kitchen bathe Fenced yard ear carport Mill 127 IDLE HOUR DR Special illnatratkm with picture and floor plan will appear Sunday 3 hedreMBP I both dra nltm Bed-p wtib Hetpolnt eaam nnd run rch cnMaatn Only II ynre aid SxM ft tot 1 ft 4 ft Pd tin jcrtoobc Idle Bear Oolf Cenrae which Joins keek of let Reduces to IM 147 Loudon Pbenec MW 1-llil REDUCED Ml LIME raen reoma be the autrida antcenaaa Make miter RENA a WATSON MeiwcU A Upper 4-310 I-IM1 Idle Hour Subdivision Bitek I bedroom ltla renal with dlnln area kathTkltrhtB PuU base-mat with fumlahed raciaatlen raaaa iiiua PL 1-471 Orla HID f-UM MM Bftty Ball 1-4133 Cole-Freeman Realty Co 431 A Broadway 3-4711 HIM $2000 DOWN Assume Present Loan kedroem krtet tame Booth and Pham 7-141 Ivt Mill allra STOLL BUILDERS WE NEED I teeatlena far carry not food eteree out at a let chain WM require at tad laka load oatr hoed dawatana laaatlan aad Booth and Cole-Freeman Realty Co 411 Ha Broadway 3-471 MIN Betty PitttrwB UN $180000 DOWN MM Vlekebw I hodroBM -rick with fall beer ant toms let PurchiMr Bait qoilUy tar PBA laaa Morris Levy Son it Min at EC' i-mo mn SOUTH END I kedmema job with lam dlnln area lb baths kitchen with built-in atom and head aUIlty room aarpart and black lap drlTi iml Pb 14711 Orla Mil M1M Miff Betty BeU 1-4311 Cole-Freeman Realty Co 411 South Broadway MODEL HOMES Fcatnrliig Muqr Extras 683 Sheridan Drive 685 Sheridan Drive 664 Cardinal Lane In brick wed brick and Bedford (tone I room built-in kitchen OPEN DAILY FOLEY REALTY CO Office 2-3011 NUe 4-2039 2-0US hence excellent ly at MM then ml Veeent Bees to-Borrow wm eta dsy er nldhk t-llCJ PLEASE as if yee peed home bwlnea We hen eeweral with looni be asenaed er we knm ebtetn toon for yap to flat WO tan ten MHeef the finest hens ferae to toe Btoe Crete for eele A eelccttaB at bcnntlful tote to the beet eebdlristona todee-trlel eltee to ether works we hen the property yon need end nm efficient it ft enter to ncelst Cole-Freeman Realty Co 411 Be Breed way 1-411 HIE HIGHLANDS (NORTHEND) By Builder I bnM la eaaitary cewen moUb) No Septic Tank Or Grew Trap On brick tame with two tone bad-raerxa Ixlrn lane fxmlly kitchen with Mrch One tone with full bua enb Hie baths In color "toTnirES: natnrsl birch nblneU OB wlrin end nxtarae Mercery ewltchi drlns caalrinstloa atom ef itaM heuaM tan ct peris 3 minute drtn to TM Bnn etc Priced frea 14000 Highland Realty Builder 24279 SAFE INVESTMENT 3 Afft id do 15 per ifiimtb IncouMe Alwoys voatad SS Cole-Freeman Realty Co 431 le Broadway to I-4W1 (-I1M Betty Psttmon 4-hM Betty 7-4333 SOUTHLAND 4 bedroomt LorgA lot Mn ihrabbory llAektap drlvA 1-5419 or 7-1141 EXTREME nat find Adequote uHrA-modem li hom*o It ta ta every detail If you Are not rabid eoAtemporory fax do uot this aim Proapectlvo pur-nat have largo ineomo and qualify through this offteo beforo appointment can be Arranged Shown by SffESTto- loaded with extrea ta- cnly to toed nken fish in beautiful in- room cypress paneling beautlfi dim Stapp 4-1157 Cole-Freeman Realty Co 431 South Broadway 510 ALBANY ROAD LOOK THIS ONE OVER Bew Bending Contract Accepted Stanley Preston UILDCn OP BETTBB IfOMBfl IfOMBfl Phenes l-MM 4-1311 Beet lib itery brick Knotty pin feciunllen to to kurnnit -I Badmtaad USINESS LOCATIONS KIM or office spate dpeenletely laM ft AdMainn feer-raeai nnart-Beni Bow and Bedeia BeB er toaaa Day er alht 1-371 roe nnrr aar baiidia Bee heat lay aulteMe far ante n- or ether aaiU kiieineee da aUractlee front naa Pint floor reted for dtaee Bcklnr ar UlUltlee fbnUched Chewy Mm FOR Ground Uain Street locatioa Ideal for ken insurance or real eatate office Pbohe MSB POS Twa-alen bnlldlnc 0x I ft a each (leer Sack eatraaca ea lean flan One block elf Mala (treat Bneeaabto real Ptaa S-44M FARMS FOR SAU BABY FARM ACRBS South Ou city bug Unb to water and email haaie tAbi tulftv kUiMing 14104 I40N 1mA Parkar Broker 7-11 mtea Baby Farm ItaM aervm unlmprewd ia eiHre ef Weedferd Ceunty Jut eCf Highveiy A Nice bulldluff die ROY TAYLOR BEAL ESTATE 177 Umeatoae Ph -434 10 ACRES MILES ROAD AND VINCE AND BATH HOCgK AND STOCK BARN A RKAUTinTL MOTEL OB FI trru! uovia call mb sdtTXK Crabtree Realtor 14 atari 4 Phone t-tu 1411 dCIIEB undatene hoi fnna Bit new house weu at daw dp-prantaeuly I actes tobacco ban Watend by pond arid tpnnc Two bant ana M'xtr aaa BTir I per acre Will help flamers Clooe is ctarch erhoel cton atlto ta all rente Wilbur Cobh BUM Mleh electUlc By GOOD FARMS dyurealaately MS scree 11 anise suib ef bntoftaa IM tobacco base a nary l(-rean house I tenant heana I tekaucu burns I cuttle bana abua-dent water Leas than HIS tee an Jaaaaalne Ceunty 11 tobacco bate tores hews id toodera lead eetbuldlaia HONd See scree fn Mercer Ceunty t-nerw tebucea beau tome enelaw eery matin tame 131000 aeraa IB tobacco bean mllaa frea Leuaften lt-rwea brick hauae I tame abundant water Itoie Jtot Btepp -1101 Phene l-ITIl Orto BU 1-4IM t-HM Cole-Freeman Realty Co 431 8 Broadway LOTS FOR SALS GAINESWAY Most Beautiful Development All City Conveniences Com out and beat tfaw building nub Open dilly from 1 til ar call I-IMS dayn 43tt9 aifes A COUNTRY CLUB TYPE DEVELOPMENT BY TERRA FIRMA INC GAINESWAY REALTY CO Ed Peter Sakimanager BRIGADOON Write for our brochure which tella the whole ttory or contort your rail estate broker CdbeU BRECKINRIDGE Agent MO Barr St Leiiagton Ky Phone S409L REAL ESTATl WANTID BBtfOmiBU party to Inters ted In ton ef acres er man with at toast 1 ream hauee Would can 4MM er MMV BBLPI HBLPI BBLPI wm yw lira With ns ptoses We an eritle rrast nentetr at ealle tef Kk Mperirtly to ton heath ad Sect and of town saw wilson bbalton Offtae t-MM Heran Pash For Your House la 24 hoofB CaU in for onr ap-praluL Cole-Freeman Builders 421 8 Broadway Ph 2-47B1 SS19E HOOK with 1 nr I bedrarara with dees payment at 3 5M sc Iran Orto Hill LMOI nr -310 FARMS ACREAGE WANTED WAKTBD houra In the rauntry with pea fw chlckenn lerdn and eew tor nixicyrent call l-MO RIAL ESTATl WANTED FARMS ACREAGE WANTED WANTKU to tens: Sons farm Wrttt Sox 1 Hurnld-Lradta AUCTIONS AT AUCTION 40 Head Of Choice Holstein Cows Monday Feb 3 At 1:00 CST I will ell at my bora located 12 mile West of Frankfbrt 8 mile East of Shelbyvtlte at Peyton on US (0 the 40 HEAD of choice fltoh dra aprtnger Hal moctly fresh that are and Bong terted and ire cdf-hood vaccinated Tbeao are that ire capable of producing 50 to 70 pouada per day They were (elected with rare from mam of he better herds ia I Thi i sue of the bed herd of cow I have offered for aale TU in a clean herd ef com that wen (elected wUb car for their producing ability and mud be Men to be appreciated If in need ef choice cow attend thia AUCTION where choice cow and 'IS meet held In Sale Pirilioo TERMS CASH Edward Masters Son Hayden Igleheart Auctioneer Waddy Ky Phene: Waddy 2551 EH USED TRUCKS MM BUKK atsuon Wuca er will trade ter atultp in alder nedeL Ptaoe 4-3M IN BVICK Super 1 den hardtep pawn Prlrntn ewnec ml 4-41d ltM 1UICK epecUL radto hraler A-l cendlllen IU 1U I Brand 1-ldl 1957 CADILLAC Moor hardtop oedia 3500 Lika new One earner Bam MM CADILLAC 1 Seal Jetal-I eenallton One nwner Pbeae 4-MOO 1M4 CVkVRCHJTT dew trtn ctoUL Cheep Phene 1-143 IMS CHRVaOLKT 4 daw Oert rita-nlne wndlllsa Oona line 314 Can 1-1MI MM CH1VROX4ST tee pkkup trurk A mat amt 144V Oeaw 1IM CHBVHOLBT Bel Ah tardtep MM Mlw Taka alder ew to trade 4-13SV ini cnavitcMMT dew art aw ladle heller Pswerglldi MM Phene 4-1MI MM CHBVROLarr 11V 4 d4Wjleny extra Like new Mr Ulna MM DODOB nine i -eeiv mm Dooaa 4-1U1 dew MV CaU MM P0IU Pnirlane Bed atandart ihlft ThundffkMarator Radle tae Ur while ildewin Bran l-MM HU PDBO CnstMHltoe 4 dew 14MB actual autee One eswr Bwellrat randltloo He dealers MM CnU 4-MM tat earn 0 ra end pe MM poao pickup Oead tendltwa Aihtoud aerrira Otatlna eenw Third I Ml one TRACTOR 'W aeries Will take trade-in Rseraeatto Cea-tacl Kerry Vwd CMt Derate lM But Blob MM MOUAM convwllMe BeO np Winded radle heater riineto tauter rate Kick Shin BIMS Pirn Phans Oeemetewn Kp Till alter AM P-ra MM JK1P eutlnn waqen Bn iwi-Be down peyewet VH1 er trad IN daibee Wash 4 dew wdaa Vt ancle fully equipped nlth sir aeadl-Uonrr pener stearin ndto nnd heaur Priced to sell Pbeae IM dap MW all Carlisle Xf TODAY'S SPECIAL 1955 BUICK Seper Hardtop Redie Heeler Aofanatic Tree sen tie A Bramlett-Dicken Motors Inc 565 Wtrt Main Ph 2-4884 3 BIG Main and Midland 56 Cher i i1295 raw CmMm 2-D RH 56rordFMda- 535 56 Plym 55 Plym Pleia 1195 795 EE rLww Ray Saf Cp 55 Wevjr 12g5 Heeler i Ray elH 55 Chev 2-Dr Heater 1095 Ctiqi 54 54 Ford 695 54 ChevLD $595 53 L4H 53 Dodge mT 9 RAH 53 Cllev' KC695 53 Chev LAN 695 52 Plym 595 4-Dr 595 52 Ford 495 LOTS Hifli St 5plfm-ssiSra 51 Ford ft 195 49 DeSoto4Dr5195 Used Trucks 360 VINE 56 Chev Stf1395 56 Cher 95 56 Chev ft 1995 55 53 Chev 54 Chev 54 Dodge 695 53 Stude ftTl 495 53 Ckev 52 Dodge 595 52 Chev 495 51 Ckev 47 GMC r145 LOOK HERE Trucks For Every Need 56 GMC Spatially aqiiippad 1995 55 FORD 1295 52 CHEVROLET Excallant eonditiM 895 50 CHEVROLET SHtfttSri: 445 49 CHEVROLET ieVruMW tote 395 56 FORD Pickup 1095 54 FORD Pickup 795 52 FORD Pickup 495 50 FORD Pickup i 395 50 GMC 395 AM Ta 1 (1 Clonad r'M- nBlilr Main at Dawuuta 317 Main CONTRACTORS BUILDERS New Low Prices ON CONCRETE BLOCK See Our Large Dltplay Ad On Page li LEXINGTON CONCRETE PRODUCTS INC Old Frankfort Pika Phonat 2-7431 2-1166 Wl Pries roast dlalat Tiiile IIBAtAlrA rsiscTiisw Mh tneludlnf ftBeunmc untf teiee MBIM WUA About NtMN to dlflr MA1NODB ft BDBKI mu 3iw gad mum nu to 4-334120111 30 I i I.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Views: 5669

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.